Strawberry Picking at Cider Hill Farm
Strawberry picking has one of the briefest but most scrumptious pick-your-your seasons with fruit ripening early June with later season varieties picking through June. The farm's 5 strawberry fields fill up with fruit that finds its way into the Cider Hill Farm Store.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if picking season is open?
Please check this page daily to see if picking season is open. When crops are ready and/or available, picking is open weekdays and weekends. 8pm - 5pm. Please exit fields by 5:30pm. Cider Hill Farm closes at 6pm
How do I purchase tickets for picking?
Tickets and details for all upcoming pick-you-own seasons become available closer to ripening time. Purchase tickets online or upon arrival at the farm. Online tickets will become available approx. approx. 48 hours in advance as we monitor weather and fruit.
Pick-Your-Own Strawberry Pricing
Kid's Pint - $5.50 - Up to 1 child (ages 3-6)
1 Quart - $10 - Up to 1 picker
4 Quarts - $39 - Up to 4 pickers
6 Quarts - $56 - Up to 6 pickers (may not be available in early season)
** Pricing and details are subject to change. Everyone must have a ticker to enter the fields. Outside containers are not permitted.
When are hayrides?
Hayrides are available only when picking locations are in fields out of easy walking distance or on festival weekends.
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How long is Strawberry Picking Season?
Strawberry picking expected through the end of June. This year's festival is June 15th and June 16th.
What goes into growing strawberries?
Strawberry plants take an incredible amount of work with fields that need to be rotated every 3 years to let the soil rest. Our farmers are replanting fields every year to keep this rotation strong and fruit quality excellent. Plus, strawberry plants requires a lot of weeding which is labor intense.